
A Closer Look at Xi Jinping: Analyzing the Post-20th Party Congress Era Through Xi’s Personality Traits

What lies within the mind of Xi Jinping? How does he arrive at decisions? What types of individuals does he favor? What does he hold in contempt? Since taking office, what transformations have occurred in the elite power structure? How might the power structure undergo reform? Perhaps through this analysis, we can catch a glimpse of the future of Sino-US and Cross-Strait relations.

  • Speaker

    Kou Chien-wen, Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University

  • Moderator

    Shin Chuei-ling, Professor, Department of Political Economy, National Sun Yat-sen University

  • Agenda

    14:00-15:30 - Salon

  • Location

    2F, M3 Sake Factory, Huashan Creative Park

Event Documentary