
The Post-911 Afghanistan: How Much Justice Is There?

Twenty years ago, the United States pledged to address the issue of the Taliban, and promptly sent troops to Afghanistan. Twenty years later, the U.S. forces quietly withdrew, and the Taliban claimed victory. This “lost” war, which lasted for two decades, reminded us of the many cases where the U.S. intervened but failed. For example, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. How, then, should we interpret the United States’ “War for Justice”?

  • Speaker

    Alexander Chieh-Cheng Huang, Associate Professor, Department of Diplomacy and International Relations, Tamkang University

  • Moderators

    Jiaxuan Wang, Managing Editor, gūsa Publishing

  • Moderators

    Shiting Huang, Former News Anchor, SET News Channel; Former Spokesperson, New Taipei City Government

  • Time

    19:30-21:00 Salon
