
When Farmers Wander to the Cities

To give their children a better life, Chinese farmers move to the cities and become undocumented migrant workers. Without a household registration record, the migrant workers migrate between cities, from one job to another. Their children cannot receive proper education. To these tens of thousands of children, the game ended before they could even enter the field. What is going on? What should society do for them?

About the Documentary
We Are the… of Communism
Directed by: Cui Zi’en

A migrant children’s school was suddenly closed for no reason. Students were forced to leave. Some could only return to their rural hometowns, and some had classes in run-down factory buildings or minibuses. They kept wandering between rural towns and big cities, and they could not see the future.

  • 講者

    程介明 香港大學校長資深顧問

  • 主持

    沈宗瑞  清華大學通識教育中心教授

  • 流程

    13:30-14:30 紀錄片放映,14:30-16:30 沙龍

  • 地點

