
What You Do Not Know About Central Asia—Asia’s New Conflict Zone

In 1986, Vietnam started its economic reform and opened its door to the world, ahead of other communist states. Its economy rapidly grew, from not being able to produce enough rice for its own people, to becoming the world’s second largest rice-producing country. In Asia, Vietnam’s economic development ranked second only to China, and the United Nations regarded it as a leading example of human development. However, did the economic takeoff bring the country’s judicial, education, and medical systems out of the woods?

About the Documentary

Vietnam: The Next Generation
Directed by: Sandy Northrop
Central Asian countries gained independence after nearly 100 years of Soviet rule. However, have the people really obtained freedom and democracy? Has the former planned economy transitioned to a market economy? Deeply influenced by Islamic culture, will Central Asia become the breeding ground for terrorists, or will it become United States’ partner in combating terrorism? Did Beijing launch the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a precautionary measure against the United States, or against the recurrence of the “Upheaval of the Five Barbarians”? With China situated between Taiwan and Central Asia, what are some ways for Taiwan to show more support for Central Asia?
